Adwords countdown While you can run this feature without needing a business data spreadsheet, you can optionally set the end date in the spreadsheet and then reference it in the ad like this: {=COUNTDOWN( AdCustomizerFeed.Date, 'es', 3)} , where "AdCustomizerFeed.Date" refers to the company data file, followed by a period and the column header in the spreadsheet that contains the date. Show device-specific ads As I explained in my recent column on the
elements that make up the perfect extended text ad, there is actually a way to display different ETAs on mobile devices and on desktop computers. To do this, add two rows to the corporate data, one containing the text for mobile devices and the fax number list other containing the text for non-mobile devices. The reality of using it is that managing an entire spreadsheet with the text variations takes a lot of extra work when the only thing you're trying to do is serve device-specific ads.
favorite large format text ad sheet for mobilemobile favorite large format text ad customizer As I mentioned in my last post, Google was working on a simpler alternative, and now we know what it is: “IF functions” in customizers. The concept is very simple: you specify an IF condition, then write the desired text when that condition is met. Here is an example from Google: {= IF (device = mobile, text to insert): optional default text}